- All assignments will be submitted on Gradescope.
- Your two lowest in-class activity scores will be dropped.
- For every 24 hours late that a submission is made, it will be penalized 5%, for up to 4 days, after which no submissions will be accepted. The only exception for late acceptance will be in documented medical or family emergencies.
- Grading
- We will use the following weights in the grade calculation: Final Project (30%), Homework (50%), In-Class Activities (20%)
- Grades will be assigned according to the percentage scale, A = 92-100, AB = 88-91.9, B = 82-87.9, BC = 78-81.9, C = 70-77.9, D = 60-69.9, F = 0-59.9; and according to the percentile scale, A = 75, AB = 65, B = 45, BC = 30, C = 10, D = 5, F = 0. Your grade will be the higher of these two grades.
HW1: Understanding Algorithms
Due: March 11, 11:59pm
HW2: Research Perspective
Due: May 7, 11:59pm