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  1. All assignments will be submitted on Gradescope.
    1. Your two lowest in-class activity scores will be dropped.
    2. For every 24 hours late that a submission is made, it will be penalized 5%, for up to 4 days, after which no submissions will be accepted. The only exception for late acceptance will be in documented medical or family emergencies.
  2. Grading
    1. We will use the following weights in the grade calculation: Final Project (30%), Homework (50%), In-Class Activities (20%)
    2. Grades will be assigned according to the percentage scale, A = 92-100, AB = 88-91.9, B = 82-87.9, BC = 78-81.9, C = 70-77.9, D = 60-69.9, F = 0-59.9; and according to the percentile scale, A = 75, AB = 65, B = 45, BC = 30, C = 10, D = 5, F = 0. Your grade will be the higher of these two grades.


HW1: Understanding Algorithms

Due: March 11, 11:59pm

HW2: Research Perspective

Due: May 7, 11:59pm