A short description of the post.
A short description of the post.
A short description of the post.
A short description of the post.
A short description of the post.
A short description of the post.
Tracking several criteria simultaneously.
Where to sample along a response surface.
Sequential strategies for response surfaces.
Characterizing optima in response surfaces.
Strategies for dealiasing effects in follow-up experiments.
Even smaller fractions for more sample efficient experiments.
Special considerations designing fractional factorials.
Very efficient analysis of a large set of factors.
Extra points that help for checking nonlinearities.
Reducing the number of samples required in factorial designs.
How effect estimates can be found using linear regression.
Some notions of optimality in experimental design.
Three case studies in using $2^K$ designs.
Characterizing effects when only one replicate is available.
A short description of the post.
Testing, uncertainty, and visualization in $2^3$ designs.
Two factors each with two levels.
Drawing conclusions from parameter estimates.
Factorial designs with arbitrary numbers of factors
Flexibly modeling the relationship between factors and a response.
Modeling and testing with two factors of interest
Multiple comparisons, model checking, and other post-estimation checks.
An alternative to RCBDs in the limited sample setting
Characterizing multiple facotrs in a single experiment.
The random effects analog of RCBD designs
An alternative to RCBDs that works with two nuisance factors.
Extensions of Latin Squares.
Dealing with batch effects using a generalization of pairing.
Multiple comparison and model checks for RCBDs
Using the method of moments or maximum likelihood to estimate parameters
A model-free alternative to ANOVA.
An introduction to random effects models
Making pointed comparisons between treatment levels in ANOVA
The multiple comparisons problem and some solutions.
The ANOVA model and sum-of-squares decomposition
How should we check the assumptions of the ANOVA model?
Tricks to make sure tests aren't applied blindly
The basic principles of hypothesis testing.
Distributions that appear across experimental design.
Probability distributions, their properties, and relationships.
An introduction to randomization, replication, and blocking.
Why are experiments run in the first place?