A few simple improvements to the quality of a dataset can make a bigger impact in downstream modeling performance than even the most extensive search across the fanciest models. For this reason, in real-world modeling (not to mention machine learning competitions), significant time is dedicated to data exploration and preprocessing1. In these notes, we’ll review some of the most common transformations we should consider for a dataset before simply throwing it into a model.
First, a caveat: Never overwrite the raw data! Instead, write a workflow that transforms the raw data into a preprocessed form. This makes it possible to try a few different transformations and see how the resulting performances compare. Also, we want to have some confidence that the overall analysis is reproducible, and if we make irreversible changes to the raw data, then that becomes impossible.
Figure 1: Figure from this site
There are many approaches to detecting outliers. However, a simple rule of thumb is to compute the interquartile range for each feature (the difference between the 75% and 25% percentiles). Look for points that are more than 1.5 or 2 times this range away from the median. They are potential outliers.
More sophisticated approaches are able to learn the relationships across columns, and use these correlations to learn better imputations. This is called multiple imputation.
Figure 2: An example where correlation between two variables might be used to impute their missing values (when exactly one is present).
Figure 3: Imputations using multiple imputation.
Be especially careful with numerical values that have been used as a proxy for missingness (e.g., sometimes -99 is used as a placeholder). These should not be treated as actual numerical data, they are in fact missing!
Sometimes a variable has many levels. For example, a variable might say which city a user was from. In some cases, a few categories are very common, with the rest appearing only a few times. For the first situation, one solution is to replace the level of the category with the average value of the response within that category – this is called response coding. For the second, it’s possible to lump all the rare categories into an “other” column.
but if we add new columns to the original data \(x\),
\[\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} x & x^2 \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}\]
\[\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} x & \mathbf{1}\left\{x > 0\right\} \end{pmatrix} \end{align*}\]
we will be able to fit the response well. The reason is that, even though \(y\) is not linear in \(x\), it is linear in the derived features \(x^2\) and \(\mathbf{1}\left\{x > 0\right\}\), respectively.
Figure 4: The raw measurements associated with a series. Imagine that we need to classify these series into groups with different shapes.
Figure 5: An example featurization of a longitudinal series.
The difficulty of deriving useful features in image data was one of the original motivations for deep learning. By automatically learning relevant features, deep learning replaced a whole suite of more complicated image feature extractors (e.g., HOG and SIFT).