class: title `\(\def\Dir{\text{Dir}}\)` `\(\def\Mult{\text{Mult}}\)` `\(\def\*#1{\mathbf{#1}}\)` `\(\def\m#1{\boldsymbol{#1}}\)` `\(\def\Unif{\text{Unif}}\)` `\(\def\win{\tilde{w}_{\text{in}}}\)` `\(\def\reals{\mathbb{R}}\)` `\(\newcommand{\wout}{\tilde w_{\text{out}}}\)` ## Multiscale Analysis of Microbiome Data with Alto <div id="subtitle"> Kris Sankaran <br/> 03 | May | 2024 <br/> Lab: <a href=""></a> <br/> </div> <div id="subtitle_right"> STATGEN 2024 <br/> Microbiome Data Analysis <br/> Slides: <a href=""></a> </div> --- ### Motivation: Microbiome Data Analysis .pull-left[ * How should we describe the bacterial ecosystems that surround (and inhabit) us? * An improved understanding would support human and environmental health ] .pull-right[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: left"> <img src="" alt="A 'photo' of the microbiome along the gut lining, from Earle et al. 2015." /> <p class="caption">A 'photo' of the microbiome along the gut lining, from Earle et al. 2015.</p> </div> ] --- ### Iterative Data Structuration .pull-left[ * Iterative data structuration creates a sequence of simple `\(\to\)` complex models (Holmes, 1993; Mallows et al., 1982) * It makes it easy to navigate the interpretability/expressivity tradeoff - Begin with the overview (context), then focus on residual variation (focus) ] .pull-right[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: left"> <img src="figure/structuration.png" alt="A metaphor for structuration, from (Holmes, 1993)." width="340" /> <p class="caption">A metaphor for structuration, from (Holmes, 1993).</p> </div> ] --- ### Latent Dirichlet Allocation Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Blei et al., 2003) is often useful for dimensionality reduction for microbiome data (Sankaran et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2023; Tataru et al., 2023). It supposes that samples `\(x_i \in \mathbb{R}^{D}\)` are drawn independently: `\begin{align*} x_i \vert \gamma_i &\sim \text{Mult}\left(n_{i}, \*B\gamma_{i}\right) \\ \gamma_{i} &\sim \text{Dir}\left(\lambda_{\gamma} 1_{K}\right) \end{align*}` where the columns `\(\beta_{k}\)` of `\(\*B \in \Delta^{K}_{D}\)` lie in the `\(D\)`-dimensional simplex and are themselves drawn independently from, `\begin{align*} \beta_{k} \sim \text{Dir}\left(\lambda_{\beta} 1_{D}\right). \end{align*}` We vertically stack the `\(N\)` `\(\gamma_i\)`'s into `\(\Gamma \in \Delta^{N}_{K}\)`. --- ### Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic models are well-suited to count data dimensionality reduction. The estimated parameters can be interpreted as, * `\(\Gamma \in \Delta_{K}^{N}\)`: Per-document memberships across `\(K\)` topics. * `\(\*B \in \Delta_{D}^{K}\)`: Per topic distributions over `\(D\)` words. * `\(K\)` = Number of topics = Number of extreme points <img src="figure/latent_dirichlet_v2.png" width="430" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### How to Choose `\(K\)`? * It is often difficult to interpret these models when `\(K\)` is large * Heuristic: Look at smaller `\(K\)` to build intuition about topics - Then analyze deviations between topics at coarse and fine scales - This is guided by iterative data structuration <img src="figure/latent_dirichlet_v2.png" width="430" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Main Idea * We will fit an ensemble of models of varying complexities. * Post-estimation, we will build a compact representation of the result. * In the Sankey diagram, columns are models and rectangles are topics <img src="figure/alto_sketches_annotated alignment.png" width="750" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Alignment as a Graph We view an alignment as a graph across the ensemble. Index models by `\(m\)` and topics by `\(k\)`. Then, * Nodes `\(V\)` correspond to topics, parameterized by `\(\{\beta^m_{k}, \gamma^m_{k}\}\)` * Edges `\(E\)` are placed between topics from neighboring models, i.e. `\(K\)` to `\(K + 1\)` * Weights `\(W\)` encode the similarity between topics <img src="figure/alto_sketches_annotated alignment.png" width="560" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Notation This graph-based view provides a convenient notation, * `\(m\left(v\right)\)` is the model for node `\(v\)` * `\(k\left(v\right)\)` is the topic for node `\(v\)` * `\(\Gamma\left(v\right) := \left(\gamma_{ v\left(k\right)}^m\left(k\right)\right) \in \reals^n_{+}\)` is the vector of mixed memberships for topic `\(v\)` * `\(\beta\left(v\right) := \beta_{k}^m \in \Delta^{D}\)` is the corresponding topic distribution * `\(e = \left(v, v'\right)\)` is an edge linking topics `\(v\)` and `\(v'\)`. <img src="figure/alto_sketches_annotated alignment.png" width="560" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Estimating Weights: Product approach .pull-left[ To compute weights, we can use, `\begin{align*} w\left(e\right) = \Gamma\left(v\right)^T\Gamma\left(v'\right) \end{align*}` ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/product_alignment_conceptual.png" width="500" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ### Estimating Weights: Transport approach Let `\(V_p\)` and `\(V_q\)` be two subsets of topics within the graph. * Let the total "mass" of `\(V_p\)` be `\(p = \left\{\Gamma\left(v\right)^T 1 : v \in V_{p}\right\}\)`. Define `\(q\)` similarly. * Define the transport cost `\(C\left(v, v^\prime\right) := JSD\left(\beta\left(v\right), \beta\left(v^\prime\right)\right)\)`, the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the pair of topic distributions. <img src="figure/transport_alignment_conceptual.png" width="420" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Estimating Weights: Transport approach The weights `\(W\)` can be estimated by solving the optimal transport problem, `\begin{align*} &\min_{W \in \mathcal{U}\left(p, q\right)} \left<C,W\right> \\ \mathcal{U}\left(p, q\right) := &\{W\in \mathbb{R}^{\left|V_{p}\right| \times \left|V_{q}\right|}_{+} : W 1_{\left|V_{q}\right|} = p \text{ and } W^{T} 1_{\left|V_{p}\right|} = q\}. \end{align*}` <img src="figure/transport_alignment_conceptual.png" width="420" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Diagnostics * Paths: Partitions the Sankey diagram into connected sets of topics * Coherence: Measures transience of a topic along its path * Refinement: Reflects degree of mixing between descendant topics <img src="figure/alto_sketches_diagnotics.png" width="2696" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### True LDA Model Sanity check - What is the alignment when data are generated from LDA? Can you guess the true `\(K\)`? * `\(N = 250, D = 1000, \lambda_{\gamma} = 0.5, \lambda_{\beta} = 0.1\)` <img src="figure/transport-true-lda.png" width="480" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Diagnostics The diagnostics suggest that the true `\(K\)` is 5. <img src="figure/lda-combined.png" width="2003" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- The diagnostics become more reliable as the sample size increases. <img src="figure/summary_alto_asymptotic_behavior.png" width="1000" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### LDA with background variation What happens when the LDA model is mis-specified? Consider the following generative mechanism, `\begin{align*} x_{i} \vert \*B, \gamma_{i}, \nu_i &\sim \Mult\left(n_{i}, \alpha \*B\gamma_{i} + \left(1 - \alpha\right)\nu_i\right) \\ \nu_{i} &\sim \Dir\left(\lambda_{\nu}\right) \\ \gamma_i &\sim \Dir\left(\lambda_{\gamma}\right) \\ \beta_{k} &\sim \Dir\left(\lambda_{\beta}\right), \end{align*}` where `\(\*B\)` stacks the `\(\beta_k\)` rowwise. --- ### Result The alignment structure is sensitive to changes in `\(\alpha\)` and fragments when LDA structure is not present. .pull-left[ <img src="figure/gradient_flow-1.png" width="300" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="figure/gradient_flow-2.png" width="300" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/gradient_flow-3.png" width="300" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /><img src="figure/gradient_flow-4.png" width="300" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ### Diagnostics .pull-left-small[ This structure is consistent across simulation runs, and the diagnostics quantify topic deterioration ] .pull-right-large[ <img src="figure/gradient-combined.png" width="635" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ### Strain switching The final simulation mimics the strain switching problem. * Small subsets of species switch between two otherwise similar topics * Multiple resolutions are required to detect the difference --- ### Mechanism We construct related topics `\(\tilde{\beta}_k^r\)` by perturbing an underlying collection of `\(\beta_{k}\)`. Then, for each sample `\(i\)` and each `\(k\)`, we draw one member from the class, `\begin{align*} \beta_{k}^{i} &\sim \Unif\left(\left\{\tilde{\beta}_{k}^{1}, \dots, \tilde{\beta}_{k}^{R}\right\}\right) \end{align*}` stack the results into `\(\*B^{i}\)`, and then draw, `\begin{align} x_{i} &\sim \Mult\left(n_{i}, \*B^{i}\gamma_{i}\right) \end{align}` as in standard LDA. --- ### Results * There are five topics, two of which exhibit strain switching * At smaller `\(K\)`, we recognize the five main topics * At larger `\(K\)`, we can distinguish perturbed variants .pull-left[ <img src="figure/equivalence_flow.png" width="960" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/equivalence_betas.png" width="4320" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ### Results * At smaller `\(K\)`, we recognize the main community structure, but don't see strain switching * At larger `\(K\)`, we can recognize instances of switching <img src="figure/equivalence_similarity_hm.png" width="650" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Data Analysis .pull-left[ Ravel et al. (2011) use clustering to identify 5 Community State Types (CSTs) in the vaginal microbiome - Four healthy CSTs are dominated by Lactobacillus variants - A fifth dysbiotic CST is more compositionally diverse and has been implicated in preterm birth (Fettweis et al., 2019; Gudnadottir et al., 2022) and HIV transmission (Gosmann et al., 2017). ] .pull-right[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="figure/community_state_types.jpg" alt="CSTs as found by Ravel et al. (2011)." width="420" /> <p class="caption">CSTs as found by Ravel et al. (2011).</p> </div> ] --- ### Dataset Consider the 16S modality from the follow-up study (Symul et al., 2023). .pull-left[ * 135 individuals followed through pregnancy * 2179 samples and 2699 species ] .pull-right[ ```r library(alto) library(purrr) data(vm_data) map(vm_data, dim) ``` ``` ## $sample_info ## [1] 2179 61 ## ## $counts ## [1] 2179 2699 ## ## $taxonomy ## [1] 2699 7 ``` ] --- ### Interpretations * Using the paths diagnostic, either `\(K = 7\)` or `\(12\)` give justifiable models - We can also distinguish high and low coherence topics * At `\(K = 7\)`, the four Lactobacillus CSTs are already present, and the remaining represent coherent subtypes in the dysbiotic CSTs .pull-left[ <img src="figure/microbiome_flow.png" width="280" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/microbiome_betas.png" width="800" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left[ **Test set perplexity** - Similar: Helps to choose `\(K\)`. - Different (-): Doesn't give topic-level quality. - Different (+): Evaluates generalization ability. ] .pull-right[ **Hierarchical Topic Models ** - Similar: Learns topics at multiple levels of resolution - Different (-): Requires word-level representations. - Different (+/-): Words belong to individual subtrees ] <img src="figure/hlda.png"/> --- ### Software Topic alignment is implemented in the R package [alto]( .pull-left[ ```r library(purrr) library(alto) # simulate data and fit models x <- rmultinom(20, 500, rep(0.1, 50)) colnames(x) <- seq_len(ncol(x)) lda_params <- setNames(map(1:10, ~ list(k = .)), 1:10) lda_models <- run_lda_models(x, lda_params) # perform alignment result <- align_topics(lda_models) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r plot(result) ``` <img src="20240503_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-28-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0;" /> ] All the simulations discussed today are vignettes in the package. --- ### Takeaways - `alto` paper: []( - `alto` documentation: []( > Exploratory analysis can guide critical examination of complex problems, and topic alignment is a simple but useful addition to the toolbox for count data. .pull-left[ <img src="figure/structuration.png" width="200" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/alto_sketches_annotated alignment.png" width="1439" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: background-rivers .center[ ### Thank you! ] * Collaborators: Laura Symul (UCLouvain), Julia Fukuyama (IU Bloomington) * Lab Members: Margaret Thairu, Hanying Jiang, Mason Garza, Yuliang Peng, Kai Cui, and Kobe Uko * Funding: NIGMS R01GM152744 .center[ <img src="figure/Lena__credit_row_0.jpg"/> ] --- ### Paths For each `\(v\)`, identify the incoming edge with the highest normalized weight, `\begin{align*} e^\ast\left(v\right) = \arg \max_{e : \text{target}\left(e\right) = v} \tilde{w}_{\text{out}}\left(e\right) + \tilde{w}_{\text{in}}\left(e\right). \end{align*}` * Iterate this process from large to small `\(l\)` to construct a set of distinct paths along the alignment * The number of unique paths is a useful property of an alignment <img src="figure/refinement-branches-1.png" width="270" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Paths For each `\(v\)`, identify the incoming edge with the highest normalized weight, `\begin{align*} e^\ast\left(v\right) = \arg \max_{e : \text{target}\left(e\right) = v} \tilde{w}_{\text{out}}\left(e\right) + \tilde{w}_{\text{in}}\left(e\right). \end{align*}` * Iterate this process from large to small `\(l\)` to construct a set of distinct paths along the alignment * The number of unique paths is a useful property of an alignment <img src="figure/refinement-branches-2.png" width="270" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Paths For each `\(v\)`, identify the incoming edge with the highest normalized weight, `\begin{align*} e^\ast\left(v\right) = \arg \max_{e : \text{target}\left(e\right) = v} \tilde{w}_{\text{out}}\left(e\right) + \tilde{w}_{\text{in}}\left(e\right). \end{align*}` * Iterate this process from large to small `\(l\)` to construct a set of distinct paths along the alignment * The number of unique paths is a useful property of an alignment <img src="figure/refinement-branches-3.png" width="270" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Paths For each `\(v\)`, identify the incoming edge with the highest normalized weight, `\begin{align*} e^\ast\left(v\right) = \arg \max_{e : \text{target}\left(e\right) = v} \tilde{w}_{\text{out}}\left(e\right) + \tilde{w}_{\text{in}}\left(e\right). \end{align*}` * Iterate this process from large to small `\(l\)` to construct a set of distinct paths along the alignment * The number of unique paths is a useful property of an alignment <img src="figure/refinement-branches-4.png" width="270" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Paths For each `\(v\)`, identify the incoming edge with the highest normalized weight, `\begin{align*} e^\ast\left(v\right) = \arg \max_{e : \text{target}\left(e\right) = v} \tilde{w}_{\text{out}}\left(e\right) + \tilde{w}_{\text{in}}\left(e\right). \end{align*}` * Iterate this process from large to small `\(l\)` to construct a set of distinct paths along the alignment * The number of unique paths is a useful property of an alignment <img src="figure/refinement-branches-5.png" width="270" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Coherence The coherence of a topic is defined as its average connectedness to other topics along the same path, `\begin{align*} c(v) = \frac{1}{|\text{Path}\left(v\right)|} \sum_{v' \in \text{Path}\left(v\right)} \min\left(\win\left(v, v'\right), \wout\left(v, v'\right) \right) \end{align*}` .pull-left[ * Transient topics (appearing at one `\(K\)` and disappearing at another) have low coherence scores * Consistently recovered topics across choices of `\(K\)` have high coherence ] .pull-right[ ] --- ### Refinement Parent specificity distinguishes two qualitatively different regimes, * High Refinement: Each topic receives the most mass from a unique parent, corresponding to a true or "compromise" topic * Low Refinement: Each topic receives substantial mass from several parents, each corresponding to an arbitrary split of a true topic <img src="figure/refinement_diagnostic_example.png" width="350" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Refinement Parent specificity distinguishes two qualitatively different regimes, * High Refinement: Each topic receives the most mass from a unique parent, corresponding to a true or "compromise" topic * Low Refinement: Each topic receives substantial mass from several parents, each corresponding to an arbitrary split of a true topic `\begin{align*} r(v)=\frac{\left|V_{m}\right|}{M-m} \sum_{m^{\prime}=m+1}^{M} \sum_{v_{m^{\prime}}^{\prime} \in V_{m^{\prime}}} w_{\mathrm{out}}\left(v, v_{m^{\prime}}^{\prime}\right) w_{\text {in }}\left(v, v_{m^{\prime}}^{\prime}\right) \end{align*}`