Temporal Data in D3

Path generators for temporal visualization

Code, Recording

  1. These notes give the D3 analogs of visualizations created in our earlier notes on temporal visualization. For a static visualization, these methods might be overkill — the R approach can give satisfactory results more easily. However, if we ever want to customize the appearance or interactivity beyond what is possible in R, then these examples can serve as a starting point.

  2. Let’s begin with the basic line plot. We have had a few examples before [1, 2], but we glossed over important details of D3’s path generators. Remember that in the first of those examples, we had manually generated paths by setting their d attributes to strings likeM 100 100 L 200 105 L 300 115. This means to start a path at pixel coordinates (100, 100), move to the right and down by (200, 105) pixels, and so on. For a larger time series dataset, it woulud be impossible to construct these path strings manually.

  3. To do this more automatically, we can use an SVG path generator. This is a function that converts an array of javascript objects to SVG path strings like the one above. This is accomplished by giving d3.line() functions that output the x and y pixel coordinates from objects representing individual timepoints. The x and y functions are usually light wrappers of scales that map the raw data into pixel coordinates.

      .x([helper to get x pixel coordinate])
      .y([helper to get y pixel coordinate])
  4. For example, to regenerate the lynx plot, we first store the time series data into an array of objects,

    let data = [{Year: ..., Lynx: ...}, ...]

    define a temporal scale for the x-axis,

       .range([margins.left, width - margins.right]),

    and finally set the path’s d attribute using a generator defined with d3.line()

    path_generator = d3.line()
      .x(d => scales.x(d.Year))
      .y(d => scales.y(d.Lynx));
      .attr("d", path_generator);

    which together with some axis annotation functions creates this figure,

  5. If we want to draw a collection of paths, we can use an array of arrays. Each element of the outer collection provides a path; each element within the inner arrays gives one timepoint.

      [{t: t1, y: value1}, {t: t2, y: value2}, ...] // array for first line
      [{t: t2, y: value2}, {t: t2, y: value2}, ...] // array for second line

    This is the reason we used .data([data]).enter() in the code for the Lynx plot. We created an array with a single element to indicate that we only needed one path to be appended.

  6. For example, suppose we want to create a visualization of daily electricity demand over several months. We want each line to correspond to a single 24 hour period, and will have a few dozen lines.

    This is done by defining a path generator with scales defined for the electricity dataset,

    path_generator = d3.line()
      .x(d => scales.x(d.time_of_day))
      .y(d => scales.y(d.Demand));

    At this point, we can append a path for every series in the data object. As in the Lynx visualization, we set the d attribute through the path generator.

      .data(data).enter() // no longer add the array
        d: path_generator,
        id: d => d[0].Date_string
  7. Path generators are just one example of a D3 function that maps raw data to more complex visual marks. For example, to create a stacked time series visualization, we can use d3.stack() together with d3.area(). d3.stack() reshapes the data so that the y-axis values for adjacent bands are easy to access. For our X-Men dataset, it transforms an array whose elements correspond to individual issues (each with multiple characters),

    let data = [
      "issue": 187,
      "Magneto_Costume": 0.5743808848140938,
      "Nightcrawler_Costume": 9.268299188171497,
      "issue": 188,
      "Magneto_Costume": 0.5748317549972979,
      "Nightcrawler_Costume": 10.810761097676323,

    into an array of arrays containing characters in the outer grouping and issues in the inner grouping. This arrangement is useful because it associates each character with one stream in the stream graph below. The ymin values are calculated from the number of appearances for the characters below, and the difference between ymax and ymin give the number of appearances of the current character.

      [[y0_min_magneto, y0_max_magneto, data[0]], [y1_min_magneto, y1_max_magneto, data[1]], ...] // Magneto Costume
      [[y0_min_nightcrawler, y0_max_nightcrawler, data[0]], [y1_min_nightcrawler, y1_max_nightcrawler, data[1]], ...] // Nightcrawler Costume
  8. Specifically, we can encode the output of the “stacked” array as a collection of SVG paths using d3.area(). This function is analogous to d3.line(), but for full shaded areas rather than isolated lines.

    let area_generator = d3.area()
      .x(d => scales.x(d.data.issue))
      .y0(d => scales.y(d[0])) // lower envelope
      .y1(d => scales.y(d[1])) // upper envelope
      .curve(d3.curveBasis) // makes it smooth

    This area generator can be used to create the D3 streamgraph by binding the stacked character data and passing in our area generator for the d attribute,

        fill: d => scales.fill(d.key),
        d: area_generator
  9. Just to show how flexible D3 can be, let’s study two more exotic examples of temporal visualizations: Gantt charts and Bump charts. Gantt charts encode the start and end of discrete temporal events. They are often used to organize project tasks or other discrete events with a temporal duration. For example, this shows the start and end times for a series of calls to the San Francisco 311 office, it is a simplification of the more elegant design here.

  10. This figure can be generated by (i) appending rectangles for each event along the y-axis and then positioning them along the x-axis using their starting time. The width of each rectangle encodes the amount of time that the event lasts. Binding events to the correct y positions is a matter of using a scaleBand scale with the domain set to the unique IDs and the range set to the height of the figure. The x-axis uses a scaleTime scale – this knows specifically how to map datetime objects to pixel coordinates. The function below captures all of this logic,

    function make_scales(data) {
      let ids = data.map(d => d.id)
      let dateExtent = d3.extent(
        d3.merge([data.map(d => d.startDate), data.map(d => d.endDate)])
      return {
        y: d3.scaleBand()
          .range([0.9 * height, 0]), // leave space for the axis
        x: d3.scaleTime()
          .range([0, width])
  11. Given these scales, we can enter one rectangle per event in the dataset. We set the width parameter to the difference between the mapped start and end times. We manually set the height of the bars.

        height: 8,
        x: d => scales.x(d.startDate),
        y: d => scales.y(d.id),
        width: d => {
          const w = Math.round(scales.x(d.endDate) - scales.x(d.startDate));
          return w < 2 || isNaN(w) ? 2 : w; // minimum length of 2 pixels
  12. Next, let’s consider Bump charts. These are often useful for studying how ranks evolve over time. The example below, from the Washington Post, shows how state populations have changed over time. Steps where a state changes rank have been shaded purple or gold, depending on whether the rank increased or decreased.

  13. We won’t go over all the steps used to create this visualization (you can review the full implementation here), but let’s take a look at a some of the key steps. The original data is an array with objects like the one below,

    { state_name: "New York", state_abbr: "NY", pop: 10385227, year: 1920, rank: 1}

    A line generator was defined using the block below. The variables x and y are scales mapping years and rank to their pixel coordinates. d3.curveBumpX is what creates the smooth bump chart appearance – otherwise the lines would look like typical time series (lines along the shortest path between points).

    line = d3.line()
        .x(d => x(d.year))
        .y(d => y(d.rank))
  14. Perhaps the most challenging part of creating this data visualization is creating a new dataset with which to create the links. The above object includes information for one state at one timepoint, but the links need to relate two neighboring timepoints. If we’re going to bind SVG elements that relate pairs of timepoints, we need the data to reflect that. This is done by looping over timepoints and creating an array, linkData, that’s made up of many small arrays like this,

    [{state_name: "New York", state_abbr: "NY", pop: 10385227, year: 1920, rank: 1},
     {state_name: "New York", state_abbr: "NY", pop: 12588066, year: 1930, rank: 1},
      diff: 0, // whether the link is increasing or not
      state_abbr: "NY"]

    which can now naturally be used in a data join. For each array element, a path is drawn between them using the line generator line defined above.

    const links = g.append("g")
        .attr("class", "links")
        ... styling and mouseover code ...
        .attr("d", line);
  15. This is the main logic of the visualization, but this example is worth reading to learn some other nice tricks. For example, note how the authors have used diff to color in the increasing vs decreasing ranks. They also introduced an interesting color gradient (rather than having all links in a solid color) by invoking this library.