Graph Interactivity I

View interaction in graphs

Code, Recording

  1. Interactivity makes it possible to tinker with different views of a graph and get immediate feedback. By exploring a sequence of views, it can be possible to build a holistic understanding of even very complex graphs.

  2. It’s helpful to think of graph interaction as falling into three categories, though the boundaries can often be fuzzy. From most superficial to most substantive, these are,

    • View interactivity: For a fixed mapping from data to visual marks, we alter the user’s view so that different regions become easier to study.
    • Encoding interactivity: We can change the visual encodings of a fixed collection of data based on user queries.
    • Data interactivity: We can allow the user to manipulate the data that appear in any given graph. In these notes, we’ll consider a few examples of view interactivity. Later, we’ll discuss encoding and data interactivity.
  3. A simple form of view interactivity is panning and zooming. Together, they can be used to change the center and extent of the user’s field of view. Even though these operations don’t require any complex redrawing of the graph, they allow a simple form of overview + detail interactivity. We can zoom out to view the overall graph and then pan and zoom to specific neighborhoods of interest.

  4. In D3, panning and zooming can be implemented using d3.zoom(). This are used to construct functions that can then be called on g elements containing the objects to pan and zoom over (conceptually, this is similar to d3.brush()). The scaleExtent() method specifies the maximum and minimum zoom levels. For example, to pan and zoom over a simple set of circles, we can use this block,

    let zoom = d3.zoom()
      .scaleExtent([1, 10])
      .on("zoom", zoom_fun)"svg").call(zoom)
    function zoom_fun(ev) {"svg").attr("transform", ev.transform);
  5. A related behavior comes from d3.drag(). This allows us to move elements every time the user clicks on one and then moves the mouse. In this case, the drag function selects the current circle and changes its cx and cy coordinates to wherever the user drags it (stored in the event variable ev).

    let drag = d3.drag()
      .on("drag", drag_fun)"svg")
    function drag_fun(ev) {
          cx: d => ev.x,
          cy: d => ev.y,
  6. Application to the graph context works similarly. Here is an example where we can pan and zoom across a node-link diagram (can you think of how to do this for an adjacency matrix view?). We’ve also used d3.drag() to move the nodes. Note that when the node’s position changes, it updates the forces in the simulation, and other nodes get dragged along.

  7. There are more subtle forms of view interactivity. One interesting example discussed in the reading for this week is “edge lensing.” This type of interaction is designed to solve the problem of highly overlapping edges in dense regions of the graph. For example, suppose we want to identify the neighbors of a node that lies in the core of the graph. Since it lies in a dense region, there is a good chance that many links cross over it, even if they are not direct neighbors.

  8. The idea of the edge lens interaction is to create a “lens” that hides edges that are not directly relevant to the queried region. For example, this removes long-range interactions between nodes far from the lens.

  9. We can implement a simple version of this in D3. We can easily draw a lens by asking a circle to follow our mouse using a mousemove interaction. Specifically, we append a circle,"#lens")
        r: lens_radius,
        fill: "white",

    and whenever the mouse moves, we call a function that will update the display."#overall")
      .on("mousemove", e => move_lens(e, nodes, links))
  10. In this move_lens function, we both move the circle defining the lens and find all the nodes that are contained within the lens. In the updated view, we redraw edges for just that subset of nodes – this subset of edges is stored in the links_ object below. Specifically, we’ve created a #local_links group element containing lines associated with just those edges in the local neighborhoods. By making sure that these edges lie above the lens, we create the illusion that the other edges have been erased.

    let links_ = local_links(event, nodes, links)
    let sel ="#local_links")
      .data(links_, d => d.index)
        x1: d => d.source.x,
        y1: d => d.source.y,
        x2: d =>,
        y2: d =>
  11. This is not the most efficient implementation, since we draw the edges within the lens twice (both above and below the lens). In principle, we could compute the edge / lens intersections and change the line endpoints as we move. However, the resulting code would be harder to understand, and except in the most compute-constrained environments, we should prefer readable implementations (this is in the spirit of “premature optimization is the root of all evil”).

  12. There are a few other forms of lens-based view interactions. A variant of edge lenses brings all of a node’s neighbors into the currently hovered view. Fisheye lens are used to distort the view so that the lensed area gets expanded. The user’s past history of inputs can be used to define an “interest” function over regions of the graph, and areas considered more interesting can be expanded to take up more space in the layout.

  13. None of these approaches directly change the graph data (Data Interactivity) or their encodings (Encoding Interactivity). In the next set of notes, we’ll consider these more substantive interactions.