Strategies for dealiasing effects in follow-up experiments.
3.Imagine that we want to delias main effects for all factors under study. * Assume that there aren’t any interaction effects with order > 2 * Idea: For a second fractional factorial run, reverse the signs of all factors
Figure 1: Setup for the \(2^{7 - 4}\) design with foldover used in the eye focus experiment. The second panel is the full foldover of the first.
What does this do? Let’s consider an the eye focus time example from the textbook (Example 8.7). The design is a \(2^{7 - 3}_{III}\) fractional factorial experiment (Seq == 1
) that has then been folded over (Seq == 2
) by reversing the signs of factors.
Let’s consider the alias structure for the original fractional factorial, ignoring all interactions of order 3 and higher.
Figure 2: Alias pattern of the original \(2^{7 - 3}\) design.
Parsing this matrix, the effects derived from alias groups are \[\begin{align*} [A] = A + BD + CE + FG \\ [B] = B + AD + CF + EG \\ [C] = C + AE + BF + DG \\ [D] = D + AB + CG + EF \\ [E] = E + AC + BG + DF \\ [F] = F + BC + BG + DE \\ [G] = G + CD + BE + AF \end{align*}\]
Figure 3: Alias pattern after a full foldover. Note that the signs between main effects and their aliased interactions have switched.
The punchline is that we can now estimate the main effects without any aliasing, \[\begin{align*} A = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[A\right] + \left[A\right]^{fold}\right) \\ B = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[B\right] + \left[B\right]^{fold}\right) \\ C = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[C\right] + \left[C\right]^{fold}\right) \\ D = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[D\right] + \left[D\right]^{fold}\right) \\ E = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[E\right] + \left[E\right]^{fold}\right) \\ F = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[F\right] + \left[F\right]^{fold}\right) \\ G = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[G\right] + \left[G\right]^{fold}\right) \\ \end{align*}\]
eye <- read_table2("") %>%
mutate_at(vars(A:G), code)
eye1 <- eye[eye$Seq == 1, ]
fit <- lm(y ~ A * B * C * D * E * F, data = eye1)
effects <- coef(fit)[-1]
daniel_plot(effects, probs = c(0.1, 0.5))
Figure 4: From the original fraction, it seems that the effects for [A], [B], and [D] are important.
It seems like \(\left[B\right], \left[D\right]\), and / or \(\left[A\right]\) are important. Inspecting the corresponding alias groups, and using the heredity principle, some plausible situations are * \(A, B, D\) are important * \(A, B, AB\) are important * \(A, D, AD\) are important * \(B, D, BD\) are important
fit <- lm(y ~ A * B * C * D * E * F, data = eye[eye$Seq == 2, ])
effects_fold <- coef(fit)[-1]
0.5 * (effects + effects_fold)[1:6]
0.7375 19.0250 -0.9000 14.6875 0.0625 0.2500
It’s now clear that the main effect for \(A\) is in fact not important. The only plausible situation is that \(B, D\) and the \(BD\) interaction are strong.
The mechanics at work here are similar to those in the full foldover. As before, let’s focus attention on the \(2^{7 - 3}_{III}\). Remember that the effect estimates were, \[\begin{align*} [A] = A + BD + CE + FG \\ [B] = B + AD + CF + EG \\ [C] = C + AE + BF + DG \\ [D] = D + AB + CG + EF \\ [E] = E + AC + BG + DF \\ [F] = F + BC + BG + DE \\ [G] = G + CD + BE + AF \end{align*}\]
Suppose we flip the sign of factor \(D\) in the follow-up run. The new effect estimates would be, \[\begin{align*} [A]^{fold} &= A - BD + CE + FG \\ [B]^{fold} &= B - AD + CF + EG \\ [C]^{fold} &= C + AE + BF + DG \\ [D]^{fold} &= -D + AB + CG + EF \\ [E]^{fold} &= E + AC + BG - DF \\ [F]^{fold} &= F + BC + BG - DE \\ [G]^{fold} &= G - CD + BE + AF \end{align*}\]
In particular, notice that we can estimate the main effect of \(D\) using \[\begin{align*} D = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[D\right] - \left[D\right]^{fold}\right) \end{align*}\] and interactions involving \(D\) using, for example, \[\begin{align*} AD = \frac{1}{2}\left(\left[B\right] - \left[B\right]^{fold}\right). \end{align*}\]