Multiple comparison and model checks for RCBDs
Figure 1: An example where the additivity assumption fails.
We’ve seen the first assumption before, and can continue to use normal probability plots and residual analysis to check it.
One way to check additivity is to look at residuals, and see whether they are consistently lower / higher in some blocks.
What can we do if we find an interaction effect?
graft <- read_table2("") %>%
pivot_longer(-Pressure, names_to = "batch", values_to = "yield")
graft$Pressure <- as.factor(graft$Pressure)
fit <- lm(yield ~ Pressure + batch, graft)
aov_table <- aov(fit)
contrasts <- matrix(
c(1, 1, -1, -1,
1, 0, 0, -1),
nrow = 2, byrow=TRUE
fit.contrast(aov_table, "Pressure", contrasts)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Pressure c=( 1 1 -1 -1 ) 9.816667 2.209940 4.442052 0.0004751988
Pressure c=( 1 0 0 -1 ) 7.050000 1.562663 4.511528 0.0004136854
[1] "fit_contrast"
PostHocTest(aov_table, method = "scheffe", contrasts = contrasts)
Posthoc multiple comparisons of means: Scheffe Test
95% family-wise confidence level
diff pval
8500,8700,8900,9100- 184.50000 177.31746 191.68254 <2e-16 ***
8500,8900- 88.91667 83.83785 93.99549 <2e-16 ***
-8500,8900 -92.81667 -97.89549 -87.73785 <2e-16 ***
-8500,8700,8900,9100 -174.68333 -181.86587 -167.50080 <2e-16 ***
Batch1,Batch2,Batch3,Batch4,Batch5,Batch6- 177.450 168.65322
Batch1,Batch3,Batch5- 91.000 84.77974
-Batch1,Batch3,Batch5 -85.325 -91.54526
-Batch1,Batch2,Batch3,Batch4,Batch5,Batch6 -177.450 -186.24678 pval
Batch1,Batch2,Batch3,Batch4,Batch5,Batch6- 186.24678 <2e-16 ***
Batch1,Batch3,Batch5- 97.22026 <2e-16 ***
-Batch1,Batch3,Batch5 -79.10474 <2e-16 ***
-Batch1,Batch2,Batch3,Batch4,Batch5,Batch6 -168.65322 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = fit)
diff lwr upr p adj
8700-8500 -1.133333 -5.637161 3.370495 0.8854831
8900-8500 -3.900000 -8.403828 0.603828 0.1013084
9100-8500 -7.050000 -11.553828 -2.546172 0.0020883
8900-8700 -2.766667 -7.270495 1.737161 0.3245644
9100-8700 -5.916667 -10.420495 -1.412839 0.0086667
9100-8900 -3.150000 -7.653828 1.353828 0.2257674
diff lwr upr p adj
Batch2-Batch1 2.050 -4.1680828 8.2680828 0.8853016
Batch3-Batch1 3.300 -2.9180828 9.5180828 0.5376297
Batch4-Batch1 2.850 -3.3680828 9.0680828 0.6757699
Batch5-Batch1 -2.375 -8.5930828 3.8430828 0.8105903
Batch6-Batch1 6.750 0.5319172 12.9680828 0.0297368
Batch3-Batch2 1.250 -4.9680828 7.4680828 0.9845521
Batch4-Batch2 0.800 -5.4180828 7.0180828 0.9980198
Batch5-Batch2 -4.425 -10.6430828 1.7930828 0.2483499
Batch6-Batch2 4.700 -1.5180828 10.9180828 0.1986961
Batch4-Batch3 -0.450 -6.6680828 5.7680828 0.9998784
Batch5-Batch3 -5.675 -11.8930828 0.5430828 0.0837504
Batch6-Batch3 3.450 -2.7680828 9.6680828 0.4925715
Batch5-Batch4 -5.225 -11.4430828 0.9930828 0.1263042
Batch6-Batch4 3.900 -2.3180828 10.1180828 0.3674672
Batch6-Batch5 9.125 2.9069172 15.3430828 0.0027838
graft$residual <- resid(fit)
ggplot(graft) +
geom_point(aes(x = batch, y = residual, col = Pressure)) +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2")