Bayesian Nonparametric modeling of Sparse Networks

Kris Sankaran


  • Recent work: priors on sparse / scale-free graphs
  • Can this be extended to modeling communities?




  • Networks as random measures
  • Scale-free inducing construction

Modeling communities

  • Preliminary ideas
  • Unresolved issues

Supplemental materials


  • Impossible to model sparse exchangeable graphs via exchangeable adjacency matrices.

Recent development

  • View a network as an exchangeable point process.
  • A point process \(Z = \sum_{i, j} z_{ij} \delta_{\theta_{i}, \theta_{j}}\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{2}_{+}\) is called jointly exchangeable if \[Z \left(A_{i} \times A_{j} \right) \overset{\mathcal{L}}{=} Z \left(A_{\pi \left( i\right)} \times A_{\pi \left(j\right)}\right) \label{eq:measure_exchangeability}. \]
  • Possible to sample, and can lead to sparse graphs.

Model of Fox and Caron

\[ W \sim CRM \left(\rho, \lambda\right) \\ D = \text{PoissonProcess}\left(W \times W \right) = \sum_{i, j} n_{ij} \delta_{\theta_{i}, \theta_{j}}\\ Z = \text{Capped}\left(\text{Symmetrized}\left(D\right) \right) = \sum_{i, j} \left[\left(n_{ij} + n_{ji}\right) \wedge 1 \right] \delta_{\theta_{i}, \theta_{j}} \] where \(\rho\) is a Levy intensity and \(\lambda\) is the Lebesgue measure on \(\mathbb{R}_{+}\). In practice, we have to restrict to \(\lambda_{\alpha}\).

Figure from Favaro and Teh "MCMC for Normalized Random Measure Mixture Models".

a <- 1; tau <- 1; sigma <- 0.4
alpha <- 20
D <- NGGPGraph(a, tau, sigma, alpha); colnames(D) <- c("theta1", "theta2")
D.counts <- ddply(data.frame(D), .(theta1, theta2), summarise, counts = nrow(piece))
plot3d(D.counts, type = "h")

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D.graph <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(colwise(as.character)(round(data.frame(D), 3))))
plot.igraph(D.graph, edge.curved = TRUE, edge.arrow.mode = 1)

plot of chunk igraph_uncap

Z <- UndirectedGraph(D) # symmetrizes and caps graph
colnames(Z) <- c("theta1", "theta2")
Z.counts <- ddply(data.frame(Z), .(theta1, theta2), summarise, counts = nrow(piece))
plot3d(Z.counts, type = "h")

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Z.graph <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(colwise(as.character)(round(data.frame(Z), 3))))
plot.igraph(Z.graph, edge.curved = TRUE, edge.arrow.mode = 1)

plot of chunk igraph_cap


  • \(Z\) is jointly exchangeable.
  • It is possible to sample this model exactly, for appropriate choices of \(W\).
  • When \(W\) is chosen to be an NGGP, the proportion of nodes in \(D_{\alpha}\) with \(j\) total outgoing or ingoing edges -- with self-loops counting twice -- tends to \[ \frac{N_{\alpha, j}}{N_{\alpha}} \xrightarrow{\alpha \to \infty} p_{\sigma_{j}} = \frac{\sigma \Gamma \left(j - \sigma\right)}{\Gamma \left(1 - \sigma \right) \Gamma \left(j + 1\right)}, \] This implies \(D\) has an approximately power-law degree distribution for large \(j\), and (after some work) that the network \(Z\) is sparse in the limit.
g.alpha <- read.csv("g_across_alpha.csv")
    aes(x = log(n.node, 10), y = log(n.edge, 10), group = sigma)) +
    geom_point(aes(shape = as.factor(sigma), col = alpha)) +
    geom_abline(aes(slope = 2 - sigma), alpha = 0.5) + 
    geom_abline(aes(slope = 2), col = "red") + 
    ggtitle("Subquadratic growth in number of edges")

plot of chunk subquadratic

Proposal: Modeling communities

Draw \(W = \sum_{i} w_{i} \delta_{\theta_{i}} \sim \text{CRM} \left(\rho, \lambda\right)\). For every \(\theta_{i} \in \text{supp}\left(W\right)\), draw

\[ p_{\theta_{i}} \overset{iid}{\sim} GEM \left(\beta\right), \]

a stick-breaking process with parameter \(\beta\).

p <- SampleSB(4, 5, 15)
ggplot(melt(p), aes(x = Var2, y = value, color = as.factor(Var1))) + geom_line()

plot of chunk stick_break

Draw \((a_{ij})_{(i,j) \in \mathbb{N}^{2}} \overset{iid}{\sim}\) Beta\((\gamma, \delta)\), representing associations between communities. For example, an interesting case would be if \(A\) is block diagonal. Define a "node affinity function,"

\[ H_{A}\left(p_{\theta_{i}}, p_{\theta_{j}}\right) = p_{\theta_{i}}^{T} A p_{\theta_{j}}. \]

Define networks by \[ \newcommand{\W}{\tilde{W}} \newcommand{\D}{\tilde{D}} \newcommand{\Z}{\tilde{Z}} \W = \sum_{i, j} H_{A}\left(p_{\theta_{i}}, p_{\theta_{j}}\right) w_{i}w_{j} \delta_{\theta_{i}, \theta_{j}} \\ \D \sim \text{PoissonProcess}\left(\W\right) \\ \Z = \text{Capped}\left(\text{Symmetrized}\left(\D\right)\right). \]

This scheme is implemented in the MMGraph() function.

Alternatively, we could consider a "hard clustering" for each \(\theta_{i}\).


  • \(\D\) is jointly exchangeable.
  • \(\D\) is a thinning of \(D\).
  • Can be sampled approximately.
  • Still sparse asymptotically.

There are a few obvious omissions...

  • A number of interesting quantities about the behavior of the sampler with communities are well characterized, either theoretically or experimentally.
  • There is no application to data, or even a discussion of how to sample from the posterior for any of these models.
  • A clear interpretation or characterization of joint exchangeability of networks / measures has not been described.